Small animal clinic
24 hours a day duty and intensive therapy
We guarantee the readiness of our veterinarian 24 hours a day, every day of the week. even on holidays and outside of opening hours. You can reach him on the number: 041 670 005. Between opening hours we accept animals in cases of emergency and offer them intensive therapy when it is most needed.
Internal medicine
Internal medicine is a very broad field of veterinary medicine, that encompasses a general diagnostic and treatment of diseases of biological systems, as well as observation of animals with chronic illnesses.
We are able to reduce the risk of contagious diseases with regular vaccination.
We carry out compulsory, recommended and selective vaccination.
Compulsory vaccination against rabies:
This vaccination is compulsory in Slovenia. The dogs are vaccinated each year for 3 years and after that, every 3 years with a long working vaccine. A dog needs to be vaccinated when he is 16 weeks old at the vary latest. If he travels outside of the country, you need to inform yourself about the demands for vaccination in the country that you are visiting.
Recommended vaccination:
We recommend vaccinating against Parvovirus, viral Hepatitis, Canine distemper and Kennel cough.
It is recommended that the offspring are vaccinated when they are 6-8 weeks old and after that every 4 weeks until the age of 16 weeks. This should be repeated at the age of 6-12 months and then every 2 to 3 years.
Vaccination against Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is transmitted by rodents. It is harmful against the liver and the kidneys, sometimes it can even cause death. The vaccination provides a protection for about 8 months, we therefore recommend that you vaccinate regularly each year.
The vaccination against the herpes virus is recommended for a bitch in the first 14 days of the gestation period, because the virus causes disruption in the nesting of the inseminated ovum, development of the embryo and complications during birth or even death.
Selective vaccination against Lyme disease
Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks and it can in rare cases cause clinical signs by a dog. The vaccination against Lyme disease causes a low immunity, it is therefore not recommended by us. Against diseases caused by ticks, the most effective protection comes from pills or pour-on suspension.
We carry out compulsory, recommended and selective vaccination in case of travel for cats as well.
It is recommended that cats are vaccinated against Feline Panleukopenia and infections of the soft tissue, oral cavity and cat cough. In the first weeks of their lives, the offspring have antibodies that stop the immune system from effectively producing antibodies during vaccination. We therefore recommend that the offspring is vaccinated at the age of 8 weeks, which is then repeated two times, every 4 weeks (ages of: 8-14-16 weeks). The next vaccination should be repeated after a year and then it should take place every year for animals with higher risk and every 3 years for animals who have a low risk.
Vaccination against Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
FeLV is caused by a virus that transmits through contact by saliva, sneezing and a infected container. The embryos can get infected in the womb through the placenta, as well as through infected milk from the mother. The virus is dangerous for cats that are not vaccinated regardless of their age. It affects the immune system and therefore the cat is unable to combat various infections.
We recommend vaccinating cats that live outside, at the latest when they are 8 weeks old, repeating it after 4 weeks. The next vaccination should take place in a year and then every 2-3 years.
Before the vaccination, the cat needs to be tested for FeLV, as only negative cats are vaccinated.
Vaccinating against Rabies is compulsory for a cat, in case of travel. We vaccinate according to current demands about vaccination in Slovenia and according to the demands of the country that we are visiting.
Visit or contact us over the telephone and together we will make a vaccination plan, in order to provide the best protection for your cat.
Getting rid of parasites
The most common ectoparasites among all cats and dog are fleas and ticks.
There are a lot of insecticides on the market. You can get the following specimen:
In the form of ampoules, Frontline COMBO, Advantix, Stronghold, Frontex, Advocate.
In the form of pills, Nexgard, Nexgard spectra, Bravecto.
Collars Scalibor and Foresto.
We use different preparations when fighting ticks:
In the form of ampoules, Frontline COMBO, Advantix, Frontex, Advocate.
In the form of pills, Nexgard, Nexgard Spectra, Bravecto.
Collars Scalibor and Foresto.
Endoparasites are small organisms that live inside a host, that provides food and space. They are common by dogs, especially those found in intestines. They are dangerous, because constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting and other indigestion. They find their way into the bloodstream, causing anemia or harm to other organs, which may sometimes lead to death. They reduce the efficiency of the immune system, which is especially dangerous to offspring. The most common endoparasites are tapeworms, intestinal worms, sometimes protozoa can cause problems as well.
You can get the following antiparasitics in the form of pills in our clinic: Zantel, Prazinon, Dehinel, Nexgard spectra, in the form of paste, Banminth, Caniverm. For cats you are able to get ampoules from Broadline, which are successful in dealing with ectoparasites.
We diagnose and treat skin diseases.
Every diagnostic begins with a thorough examination of the animal and a conversation with the owner.
There are a lot of causes for skin disease, however the most common include:
-skin parasites
-bacteria or fungus
-immune conditioned (allergic and oversensitive diseases, autoimmune diseases)
-endocrine disease (Cushing’s disease, thyroid diseases)
Further causes are determined with tests for skin parasites, microbiological, cytological and allergological examination as well as examination of the hormones of the adrenal gland and the thyroid.
After the examination and diagnosis, we will advise and prepare you for a proper diet and therapy for your animal.
The ultrasound examination is a painless method, that allows us to get a picture of the soft tissue. The animals bear it well and sedation is mostly unnecessary.
We perform specialistic ultrasound examination of:
-the abdominal cavity (urinary system, adrenal gland, digestive system, liver, uterus and ovaries, prostate and testicles, glands and vascular system)
-heart and chest cavity
-ultrasound guided puncture for taking of samples
-changes on the surface and the tendons
Castration and sterilization of cats and dogs
Castration and sterilization are chirurgical procedures, that cause permanent infertility. The most common reasons for these procedures are: to prevent animals to be in heat, reduce the interest between males and females, reduce unwanted behaviour or accidental mating. We can also prevent the emergence of certain diseases.
The opinions, on when it is appropriate to do such a procedure, differ a lot. It is advised that they are done of the age of 6 months or before sexual maturity, although a trend is asserting itself, for a later sterilization/castration. Come visit us and we will advise you on the most appropriate time for your cat or dog.
Soft tissue surgery
We do a chirurgical rehabilitation of wounds in our clinic, as well as removal of tumors and other chirurgical procedures. All procedures are done under narcosis and we take care of an appropriate analgesic therapy, to ensure a fast and successful recuperation of your pet.
Laboratory testing
A more elaborate diagnostic is done in our modern laboratory, with the help of hematology, clinical biochemistry, examination of urine and excrement(parasitological tests) and a quick diagnostic of infectious diseases of cats and dogs. We use a very fast and precise appliance for hematology tests, Abaxis HM5 and for biochemistry, Abaxis VetSacn2.
Dental care
Cats and dogs undergo stomatological procedures under narcosis. Because of that, owners are advised to come for a free examination of their pet, before the procedure takes place. We are then able to assess the state of the oral cavity, as well as the general condition of your pet.